Our project is based on the double meaning of the word “Ahavah”: give and love.

Nuestro proyecto esta basado en el doble significado de la palabra _AHAVA__ amor y dar. (48).png

— How We Do It —


We design with the world in mind


We create for the flourishing of the makers


We give back to vulnerable communities

— Our Story —

Around the world, millions of makers are working long hours under terrible conditions, many of these makers are mothers who need to provide food for their kids and are left with no other option.

The A Project was born with the mission to give makers, specially mothers, the opportunity to believe there is a better future for them, their families, and communities.

As the years went by, we realized our project needed to be a two-fold approach:

  1. Vocational Training: We provide vocational trainings for mothers in vulnerable conditions by giving them the opportunity to learn how to create a product with their own hands. We also create resources that empower women hollistically in their journey to economic empowerment.

  2. The A Project Collections: Here you will find beautiful products made by makers around the world. Each product is made sustainably and has a purpose/project behind.

We are glad you are here, and we hope you enjoy the ride to see many flourish.

 “Your vocation in life is where your greatest joy
meets the world's greatest need.”

— Frederick Buechner